Wednesday, December 22, 2010

TTT(time to tukar)

entah dari mane datangnye semangat ini dan kesedaran ini...
i think i've to change...
to be a person yg more knowledgeable dan berinformasi...
even my view of life now is so small...
i don't want be 'suri' yg semakin hari semakin blur...
maybe it can be my azam for next year and foreverla kan...
don't waste too much time reading things yg xde faedah pun...

i can't just depending to other people to give me information...
i've to search,read by myself...
i can't give reason jaga anak,memasak,mengemas bla bla bla so that i don't have time to reading...
now i've to select wat blog that i should n shouldn't read...
wat website yg i should tercongok lama ke tak lama kt situ...
everythings is depend on me la kan...
do something yg bergunala AIZAAN!

and very important is...
how do i want my baby be a someone brilliant if i not a brilliant mother...
nur irfaan!!!get ready to be a brilliant son!!!
korang nmpak x api kuar dr blog aku ni hahaha

sila terima kekucarkaciran my english...
klau x paham buat2 la paham hahaha
klau x practise..makin lama makin bongok la kan


wkhwee said...
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CT said...